Jay Day – Munich, Fliegenstraße


Jaynol, Shop Assistant & Musician

Roca Wear T-shirt, Element jeans, Nike Jordans, New Era cap and Carrera glasses.

6 Kommentare


I’m like digging his shoes..I’m a real fanatic with nike…

Anyways..From this saturday till next weeks saturday I’ll be staying in Munich. Is there any good shop, café or restaurant you’d recommand??


No one older than 16 should dress like this but I´m pretty sure this young man has passed that mark. The shoes and the shirt could work but not with the glasses and the cap- too much!
not even fifty cent could pull that off

ich mag dieses legere, das t-shirt ist großartig. natürlich ist es ein extrer hip-hop-style, aber vllt ist der junge Mann ja genau so! endlich mal was anderes 🙂 er verkörpert doch auch nur seine Lebenseinstellung und seinen Musikgeschmack

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